09 Oct


Hello, Patrick here with a little disclaimer before we start with the article.
I’m a trucker not a writer, so I will say what I think. If that offends anyone I'll apologize in advance.

I am not a medical professional of any kind. I’m a giving what I have gathered from research and personal experience. Always speak to your doctor before starting a diet or lifestyle change.

Some bad luck.

In 2015 I was seriously injured in an accident. ( Details in my bio)

I was close to 250 pounds at the time.
I’m 6’2 so that was sort of heavy.

I became a trucker in 2017 after a long recovery.
I am now around 225 pounds on my way to 190.

I did not start working on my weight until a few months ago.

Try loosing weight and driving ten hours a day.

It is not easy, Three weeks ago at my physical I was weighed in at 233 pounds after two years of watching my diet , and blood sugar was way too high.

From 233 to 225 in three weeks ?

If you're still here, thanks for getting through the dull part.

I desire to share with you something called (IF) or intermittent fasting.


What is it?

“I.F.” is not a diet, but a lifestyle that can help you to lose weight, get into better health, and may even help a person live longer.

In lieu of telling you what or how much to eat you are simply told when to eat.
Most popular methods seem to be.


Doing 16-8 you decide on a 16 hour period each day when you don’t eat. 
Most people will either skip breakfast or dinner. 
For instance, I do not eat before 11am, or after 7pm.

There are many more aspects we we discuss later.


With Eat-Stop-Eat the idea is to eat normal five days a week and fast two days. 
I have read about people who do two separate 24 hour periods, and some who do 48 hours (two days all at once).


With the 5-2 system, you would consume 500 to 600 calories two different days of the week, and eat normal the other five.

For Your Health

“I.F.“ Has been demonstrated to have many health benefits. 
Including but not limited to, lower LDL cholesterol, lower blood sugar, less inflammation, and even slow down aging.
One site said that rats in a study lived 36 to 83% longer on an intermittent fasting schedule.

Very few negatives.

Not much on the negative side, but thought I should share what I found.

Biggest mistake, binge eating when not on your fasting time.
Be careful not to let this happen to you. It can make you not loose or even gain weight.

If you have any of the risk factors listed.

Problems with blood sugar regulation.
Have low blood pressure.
Take medications.
Are underweight.
Have a history of eating disorders.
Are a woman who is trying to conceive.
Are a woman with a history of amenorrhea.
Are pregnant or breastfeeding.

Some Encouragement 

The hunger seems to cease being a problem in a short time.
You should also notice that the binge eating is easier to avoid after about a week because your stomach starts to shrink and you feel full faster.

The studies say that some people feel tired and less alert at first, but most people I speak with say they are full of energy, and think more clearly.

That was most definitely the case for both me and my wife (who has lost 14 pounds in three weeks)

Should bring up when I say (people I talk with) I joined a Facebook group for intermittent fasting. Just do a search on FB there are several.

Can I really lose weight without exercise?

Yes. But should you? Cardio is very important for heart health, and your body burns calories for some time after you exercise.

You should exercise at least 30 minutes twice a week.
And for truckers your excuse about not being able to is bull.
For Less than $50 at Walmart you can buy a mini stair stepper.
Almost as good for cardio as a full size machine (check out the link)

I have one I use at least 30 minutes a day.

Eat what I want and loose weight?

Yes. But again should you?
The “IF” programs say you eat normally when not fasting, but that is presuming you use common sense.

Remember garbage in = garbage out. ( Truckers, do you put lousy fuel or cheap oil in your truck and expect it to perform well)

When practicing “IF” the most successful individuals are also eating sensibly.
Low carb. 
No carb ( the jury is still out) for myself, a few carbs before I embark on my fast makes it much easier to stick to it)
No sugar.
No bread or whole wheat bread.

If you choose to snack between meals eat small amounts of fruits or nuts.

There are things that you can have, during fasting hours.
We will discuss that next.

Truckers picking on you again (because I’m one of you)
Step away from the bag of junk food on the passenger seat.
I recognize first hand it is hard work, but we are still sitting on our butts 10 hours a day we do not get to snack all day and stay healthy.

What can I have?

Here is something that got me a little upset.
When you, ask what you can have when fasting, you will be told, black coffee, black or green tea unsweetened, and water.

That was kind of true.

You will also hear dirty fasting like it is a horrible sin that will destroy your effort to lose weight.

Here is the real truth.
Less than 50 calories will not produce an insulin spike in your body.
That means it will not kick your body out of ketosis. ( See links for what ketosis is)

Clean fasting is only consuming the items from the list above.

Dirty fasting is small little cheats under 50 calories, but this can be a slippery slope. Mine is half and half in my coffee. Two tablespoons is about 40 calories, I drink one 24 ounce cup a day with half and half in it.

The slope is that several 50 calorie cheats build up fast and then your not really fasting at all.

Another dirty fasting example is flavored water. Many say no way, but many others drink it and do just fine as long as it has no calories.

This does not include diet soda. Don’t do it!!

The downside of calorie free drinks especially diet soda is studies show that they make you crave more sweets, making you more likely to eat sweets when not fasting.

Dirty or clean fasting seem to be more or less equal.

come back often as I will be doing articles on how to eat on your truck.

Haters please remember I don’t claim to know it all I may miss some material.

Some resources 

Info on IF: https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/intermittent-fasting-guide#safety-and-side-effects

What is dirty fasting : https://sixmilestosupper.com/intermittent-fasting/what-is-dirty-fasting/

Ketosis: https://facty.com/food/nutrition/things-to-consider-before-starting-the-keto-diet/?style=quick&utm_source=adwords&utm_medium=t-search&utm_term=ketosis&utm_campaign=FH-Things-to-Consider-before-Starting-the-Keto-Diet&gclid=EAIaIQobChMInP7YupmJ5QIVQdbACh0Ovwj7EAAYASAAEgJtWPD_BwE

This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and does not substitute for diagnosis, prognosis, treatment, prescription, and/or dietary advice from a licensed health professional. Drugs, supplements, and natural remedies may have dangerous side effects. If pregnant or nursing, consult with a qualified provider on an individual basis. Seek immediate help if you are experiencing a medical emergency.

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